API Authorization Guide

To interact with the NLPearl.AI API, you need to authenticate your requests by including your Account ID and API secret key in the request header. This ensures that your API calls are secure and correctly attributed to your account.

Authorization Header Format

Include the following authorization header in all your API requests:

Authorization: Bearer AccountId:SecretKey

The Token must be in the form AccountId:SecretKey.

For example:

Authorization: Bearer 66552698d60e456235eae520:tWPqr5EEZv2dxqutv58NsCg7NuqGc1tX

You can retrieve your Account ID and Secret Key in our platform.

Example API Request

Here’s an example of how to set up the Authorization header for an API request using cURL:

curl -X GET "https://api.nlpearl.ai/v1/endpoint" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer 66552698d60e456235eae520:tWPqr5EEZv2dxqutv58NsCg7NuqGc1tX"

Replace 66552698d60e456235eae520 and tWPqr5EEZv2dxqutv58NsCg7NuqGc1tX with your actual Account ID and API secret key.

Next Steps

With your subscription selected, API secret key created, and Account ID found, you are ready to start using the NLPearl.AI API. To explore the available endpoints and learn more about integrating NLPearl.AI into your applications, check out the resources below.


Getting started with the NLPearl.AI API is easy and straightforward. By following these steps, you can quickly set up your account and begin integrating powerful AI capabilities into your applications.