Get Outbound
Retrieve a specific outbound by its ID
Specify the authorization token.
For more information, check out the Authorization Guide.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the outbound.
The amount of the budget that has been consumed so far.
The total budget allocated for this outbound activity.
The date and time when the outbound activity was created.
The unique identifier of the outbound activity.
The name of the outbound activity.
The name of the Pearl associated with this outbound activity.
The phone number used for this outbound activity.
Here is the activity status
1 - Running
2 - Paused
3 - Suspended
10 - TemporaryMaintenance
The total number of agents allocated to this outbound activity.
The total number of leads associated with this outbound activity.
The total number of leads that have been completed.
The total number of leads that were successfully converted.
The total number of calls made today during this outbound activity.