Get Lead Via External ID
Retrieves details of a specific lead within a outbound
Specify the authorization token.
For more information, check out the Authorization Guide.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the outbound campaign.
The external identifier of the lead within the outbound campaign.
The unique identifier of the lead, represented as an ObjectId.
The identifier for the lead from an external system, such as a CRM.
The phone number of the lead.
The time zone of the lead, represented as a float (e.g., -5.0 for EST).
The Status of the lead is the status of the last conversation.
To determine the definition of 'Success' or 'Not Successful,' please refer to the Create a Pearl page at step 4.
1 - New
10 - NeedRetry
20 - InCallQueue
30 - WrongCountryCode
40 - OnCall
70 - VoiceMailLeft
100 - Success
110 - NotSuccessfull
130 - Complete
150 - Unreachable
500 - Error
The date and time when the lead was created.
The list of the ID's of all the calls this lead has received.
A dictionary containing additional information about the call.
It is used as variables that you can use in "Opening Sentence" or "Flow Script" when you create a Pearl on the platform.
The keys represent the field names, and the values contain the corresponding data.
This information can be used to personalize the conversation or manage lead-specific details.
This parameter is optional.
see Variables for more information.
Here is an exemple of the json to send:
{ "email" : "", "address": "3 Abbey Road UK" , "carLicense" : "90-929-82" }